Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Argentina - Rosario #32

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From: Amanda Gibbons

Date: Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 1:38 PM

Subject: weekly goodies!

To: Bonnie Gibbons

Hey family and friends!

Wow so crazy and awesome week! We had a special conference for just the sisters, and let me tell you, that was an awesome day, full of the spirit and of course giggles and screams of joy for seeing your old comps! Ha, President and his wife spoke and we got to watch a movie!! Ya hold your horses, we watch Errands of Angels. It was really awesome and taught me that I really need to serve my companion. All day I am teaching about the Savior and his love for others, and how we need to be like Him, but if I can’t even serve and love my comp, how can I do that for others. I do love my comp and I feel really blessed to have been with her…BUT…

Now on to a new adventure, TRANSFERS! I am leaving the big city of Rosario and going to Pergamino Centenario (I think, me and the other sisters are together) So ya, another 4 girl pench!! I am excited. We are going in to do a whitewash, which means neither of us have been there before and we gotta work there with only the map and the folder the elders left behind! It’s going to be crazy but I am way excited! I am going to miss a few things from here, like subway! But I am ready to go work in a new area!

Our investigator Fabian will still be getting baptized this Saturday! He is so excited and he cried last night when we told him we are leaving. He is really shy, but he has had the opportunity to know a lot of the members and he received a blessing, so I think he’ll be just fine. I’ll miss that family and I hope the others continue to go to church and realize what they need to do to be baptized. They all know what we teach is true, they just have a few things they have to give up first.

I guess that’s how we all are. We know that we have to be good and work hard and repent so that we can enter into the kingdom of God. But we always mess up, we think of ourselves first and how we can be happy in the here and now. It’s hard to keep an eternal perspective, even me as a missionary! That’s why we have the scriptures, prayer, the temple, and church, to help focus us again on the reason we are here! I am so grateful that God gave us these tools to keep us on track! What a blessing in our lives. It’s funny how much these have changed for me now. Sometimes I used to feel like going to church was such a bummer, a beautiful morning spent indoors!! But now I can’t wait to get inside that chapel and learn more about my Savior. I pray that you are all doing well and that you are doing the things to keep you on the straight path!! I love you, Keep the Faith,

Love Hermana Gibbons

Zach DeFrancis= Do you know Dustin Graham? I guess he played at BYU soccer and he served here! Hope all is well bud!

Hey if anyone knows Cameron Clifford, tell him I saw his video he made here about Ammon among the lamanites. You are a hoot dude!

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