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From: Amanda Gibbons
Date: Mon, May 9, 2011 at 11:09 AM
Subject: everyone
To: Bonnie Gibbons <bonnie.gibbons@cox.net>
Hey all you mothers back home!!!
Wow, happy mother’s day! Can I just say thank you for you sacrifice and the time that you spend raising your kid’s right! First I have a few friends on missions as well as many of them already returned and married! I just love seeing what they have done with their lives. They are trying to serve the Lord and all of their brothers and sisters! Also a ton of your sons and daughters have been an example to me in times of trial and in times of big decisions. I have wanted to serve a mission because of all the things I have heard from my friends, as well as receiving an answer to my prayers. Thank you for being mothers, for putting all your effort to teach us kids to be more like Christ.
This Sunday was so amazing. I don't know if I have been telling you about Dario and Daiana, but they are this cute couple that I can't wait for them to get married and then get baptized. Dario makes sure that they pray together every night and he's been the strength to help them get up and go to church in the morning. It was so cute, I tried to call them Sunday morning and the phone cut off twice so I thought they were annoyed or just didn't want to come. But then about 15 min into sacrament meeting, they come in, holding hands, smiling faces and their son walking alongside. Dario tried to sign to me that the phone was not working and then after the meeting he came running up to me, I’m so sorry about the phone. He said he loved sacrament but had to go early today because he had a soccer game (he’s trying to go pro). Daiana stayed the whole time, she loved it sooooo much! In the Gospel principles class she was asking questions and at the end she asked if she could have the book that goes along with the class so she can study at home! She loves reading and loves learning and she can't wait to come back and loves when we come and teach her anything! Please pray that they will be able to set an appt. so they can get married before I head home!
I love being a missionary and I can't believe my time is coming closer and closer to an end. I was reading in Enos, and something that my trainer showed me when she was ending her mission as well (out here we say dying)
26And I saw that I
amust soon go down to my grave, having been wrought upon by the power of God that I must preach and prophesy unto this people, and declare the word according to the truth which is in Christ. And I have declared it in all my days, and have rejoiced in it above that of the world.
27And I soon go to the place of my
arest, which is with my Redeemer; for I know that in him I shall
brest. And I rejoice in the day when my
cmortal shall put on
dimmortality, and shall stand before him; then shall I see his face with pleasure, and he will say unto me: Come unto me, ye blessed, there is a place prepared for you in the
emansions of my Father. Amen.
I hope that I can say this at the end, that I have declared the gospel all the days of my mission. That I can go before God and tell him that I did all that I could. I love this gospel and I know without a doubt that it is true! That God lives and loves us and wants us all to be happy, even if we don't want anything with him or we don't feel like keeping his commandments, he still loves us and will always bring us back into his arms. I love you all and I hope this made sense...the sickness that Mitchell gone has gone around the whole house and I can feel it a little bit right now...but it’s all good...
Keep the faith my friends!
Con amor,
Hermana Gibbons